Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What is the power of subconscious mind?

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What is the power of subconscious mind?

Subconscious Power

Our mind has something unique that most of the people simply ignore. It is all about the power of the subconscious mind. We offer you the unique chance to study the best subconscious power techniques.

Subconscious Mind Power

The power of the subconscious mind is extraordinary. Our main problem is that we basically have no idea about its true potential. Would you like to discover and learn the true force of your brain power? Well, now you are closer to the real than ever before. On this subconscious power blog we shall publish everything one needs to know about how to zap your mind with powerful commands and how to achieve almost anything you desire. There is no magic bullet; it is pure science that you are going to learn.

The Brain Power software is unique. It will help you motivate yourself like you never thought is possible. The coolest thing about this software package is the fact that it’s going to re-educate your mind in order to develop super human like powers and capabilities. Those who have already tried it claim that it is much easier than affirmations, more powerful than hypnosis and definitely faster than meditation. Like we mentioned before, it is something unique that you and people like you have the opportunity to get.

By using the Brain Power Pro you shall effortlessly increase your mental power and abilities. Did you ever dream about having a little bit more mental potential that the majority of the people around you? Well, this is your chance! With the help of Brain Power Pro you have the possibility to activate the super learning and advanced thinking mode. Did you ever wonder how it like is to be a genius? Once again, now you have the chance to experience things and sensations that you never though even about in the past!

Having problem with self esteem and gaining confidence? Well – no more! Brain Power Pro is going to show you the way on how to empower with unstoppable confidence! Improve your communication skills, attract the opposite sex or do whatever you like to do. It is your power, your potential and your decisions that we are talking about here. You are about the discover the amazing secret that everyone has been talking about lately but only a few have the real guts to start working and actually achieve it!

Blasting through your own “society and system imposed” limitations has never been easier. You are now one step away from getting what you thought and considered to be impossible in the past. There are things that you simply didn’t know how to achieve and how to use. Well, with the help of Brain Power Pro software you are going to start a new life. It’s all about you, it’s all about your decisions and the will to learn and do more than you thought it is possible and real.

Act now, achieve your goals, be who you really want to be, this is your chance to get what you deserve, this is the only opportunity to obtain things that others simply won’t find out about. Why waste this wonderful possibility and let others enjoy all the possible things in life when you can do it first? Think about it! Discover your own subconscious power now!

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So now, you’ve got two choices.
1. Get the Absolute Self Confidence Book, get your confidence back... and eventually be free from self-limiting beliefs altogether. OR

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george@absoluteself-confidence.com I'd be happy to help you.

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Most people fail to become self confident because they do not know where to start, do not know the methods and techniques and do not  make the first step.
The“Absolute Self-Confidence" book will give you the tools, practical exercises and fundamentals you need to reach confidence levels you didn't know you have.

Buying this book is your first step towards reaching your goals

You will learn about:

The Power of Life Scripting,

The Power of Affirmations,

The Importance of Integrity,

The Importance of Peer Group,

The Law of Attraction,

The Importance of Physiology,

The Power of Beliefs,

Getting Along with others and communicate effectively

Creating Empowering Rules for youself

Overcoming Money problems ones and for all 
and many, many more...

Remember that life is for living! You can be unstoppable, you can achieve unlimited success, and can go after your dreams.

“Let others lead small lives, but not you.

Let others argue over small things, but not you.

Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.

Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.”

Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn

It doesn't matter if it's 02:00 in the morning.

You will be downloading the Absolute Self-Confidence e-book within just a few minutes, and you can immediately start to build unstoppable self confidence!

You can Learn To Be Confident


Kate Middleton absolutely confident  at first solo engagement The Duchess of Cambridge impressed as she attended a private viewing of portraits by the late Lucian Freud at the National Portrait Gallery in London.
Learn the secrets that Kate and so many other successful people 
have incorporate within them! 

No one is born confident. In this ebook 

You will learn

  1. How absolutely self-confident people exude calm, control, power, certainty. 

How they care about people, and they make people feel good when they are around them.

Why they never brag – after all, actions speak louder than words. People who brag are just masking their insecurities.

Why they never ask themselves “Can I really do this? What if this doesn’t work out? Am I good enough to pull it off?”

Buy this ebook to learn:

The secrets that people with 
Absolute Self

Confidence know & use every day

Absolute Self-Confidence
Regain your Life

Is Your Lack Of Confidence Holding You Back?Just Imagine What Your Life Would Be Like If You Could...

A. Overcome those negative "Can't do" voices in your head
B. Overcome those negative feelings of low self worth
C. Never be afraid of failure ever again
D. Talk with confidence with everyone that you meet

Do you want to start building your confidence, but you don’t know where to start?
If you’re reading this then you probably want to start building your own self-confidence. Having Confidence is incredibly satisfying and fulfilling, not to mention that you’ll be empowered to experience many of the things you’ve dreamed of all your life.  And you won’t have to simply watch life from the side lines anymore. I could go on and on about the benefits of having strong self confidence, but you already understand that…that’s why you’re reading this, right?
Do you need more confidence in your…

social interactions?
work environment?
dating life?
...then this eBook is for you. ...then this eBook is for you. 

Absolute Self-Confidence is the faith or trust in your abilities, decisions and intuition. A feeling of certainty, knowing that you are a valuable individual.
Having unconditional trust, love and respect for yourself.

Factors in gaining self-confidence…

Ideally, self-confidence begins in childhood, but unfortunately not all parents are wise enough to nurture their children in a way that instills a sense of confidence and worth in them.Fortunately, an adult can still gain self-confidence through his own efforts and determination, and secondarily through the support of his family and friends.

Parental support and acceptance…

In a perfect world, children begin to develop confidence as they grow up. The role of parents in instilling self-confidence in their children is very important.Parents who are always critical of their children without praising the child’s effort, success, and strengths unknowingly suppress the development of their child’s self-confidence.

On the other hand, parents who are supportive and encourage their children to step forward into new experiences and praise their child for trying even if they don’t succeed, will most likely rear children who become confident adults. Parents who make their children feel loved and accepted regardless of outcomes will instill self-confidence and self-acceptance in them.

Unfortunately, over the last few decades, many parents have pushed their children too hard in trying to give them a competitive edge. The child may or may not become competitive, but they often lack self-confidence whether they are competitive or not.When the child is never good enough for their parents, they grow up feeling even less adequate in the face of adulthood—even highly accomplished people can feel they never quite measure up. 

Lack of self-confidence is not proportionate to a person's abilities. There are many extremely talented and able people who lack the self-confidence to truly make the most of their abilities. Conversely, there are many people who appear supremely confident who have comparatively little ability. If you are lacking in self-confidence, then you must repeatedly do things that will help you gain confidence. Repetition and success, combined with a change to an old thought pattern, can turn a shrinking violet into an outgoing dynamo... 

People with absolute confidence typically have little fear of the unknown, are able to stand up for what they believe in, and have the courage to risk embarrassment. Someone who is confident is not necessarily loud, outspoken, or reckless.

Self Confidence is a Key Factor to Attracting the Life of Your Dreams...With so many books available these days on success and creating the life of your dreams, you will find that too few of them focus on this essential factor.

Get this right, and the income you now enjoy, the lifestyle you currently have, the car you drive, is NOTHING in comparison to what you could have if you knew how the science of 'self confidence' really worked.

YOUR VIEW OF THE WORLD, how you think it works, how and why you are where you are now, will have changed so completely that you will just sit there, stunned and amazed.

For probably the first time in your life you will realize that not only can you change your life and everything in it very quickly, but that you have already been doing it every minute of every day; you just didn't know it.

You are about to find out how to change everything. How to reach out and take the success you've always wanted. The house, the car, the vacations, the income, are just a short read away.

And I will prove it to you.

If you are not confident in yourself, in your strengths and abilities, you will not approach your goals and dreams with confidence, and will be forever trying to achieve them.

Self Confidence is not just a quality that will benefit the insecure or shy person.

Anybody and everybody can do with increasing their levels of self confidence. And this is one of the key factors to attracting the life of your dreams.

Time to kick it up a notch!

This eBook presents you with the key information you need to build your confidence and make immediate changes to both your personal and professional life. It covers a broad range of topics and several different situations, providing guidance on how to overcome your self-doubt at every opportunity. Whether you need tips on how to be more confident:

At work:

- giving presentations, handling job interviews or speaking in public

Or in your personal life:

- dating, meeting strangers at parties, or social networking.

Absolute Self- Confidence will show you how being confident will lead to success in all areas of your life.


How to Activate Your Subconscious Power

Believe in its power

You have to start believing that whatever you think about and believe is accepted by your subconscious. Once you form this belief, you can start to stimulate it with ideas and suggestions to allow it to attract the events you wish to experience and people you want to meet.

Have control over your conscious thoughts

All assumptions and beliefs start with conscious thoughts. Once you consciously keep thinking about the same thing over and over again, it becomes habitual. You no longer need to think about it for your subconscious to deliver your behavior or emotions.

In order to change those thoughts that may have developed some of your thinking patterns and bad habits, you have to deliberately think new empowering thoughts. You have to develop the discipline to cancel and delete the negative and replace with new ones to give the subconscious a different direction to follow.

Focus your attention

You mind is always attending to something. Therefore in order to get what you want to achieve, you need to develop razor sharp focus. Only think about what you want. Thinking about your goals by visualizing and affirming them through pictures and words will activate your subconscious.

Pay attention to your language. What you say to yourself and your assumptions about the meanings people are telling you affect your thinking and feeling.

Repeat your instructions and make them vivid and specific

Repeated affirmations through words and visualizations are commands and instructions to your brain. Bombard your subconscious by repeating out loud or quietly to yourself what it is that you want to see in your reality.

If you have been trying hard and have not achieved success through this method, try using subliminal messages and images. It is a tool to help you change your mind about yourself and your life without having the subconscious resisting. Click for a free MindMaster trial.


Powerful emotions fuel your desires and stimulate your subconscious power to deliver to you the results through your actions.

You now have a choice. To use your subconscious power to change your behavior and your life or let it run around as it always has.

Additional Resources

Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Unleashing the Power of Consciousness
Mind Programming

Back to the Power of the Mind

Return from Using Your Subconscious Power to Personal Growth Home

Biology Of Empowerment Audio CD Program

Biology Of Empowerment (Audio CD Program)

Permanent personal transformation is possible … and it all starts at a cellular level. The Biology of Empowerment will equip you with the most powerful tools ever discovered for creating rapid, lasting changes that will naturally propel you toward wealth, health, happiness, or any goal you can think of!
Using the tools you’ll discover in The Biology of Empowerment – including The Pendulum, The Ideomotor, the Emotional Freedom Technique, and many others – you will be able to:
  • Identify your core beliefs regarding money, work, relationships, sex, and more, INSTANTLY, without overanalysis or an uncomfortable psychological return to the past
  • Distinguish positive, growth-oriented beliefs from beliefs that are blocking your path to success
  • Program your entire self – your conscious, subconscious, and cellular minds – to achieve any external outcome you desire
  • Understand how and why “miraculous” processes such as remote viewing and bi-location really are possible
  • Easily uncover and quickly correct the root causes of financial challenges, relationship problems, and health and wellness issues
  • Receive answers from the deepest, most knowledgeable levels of your consciousness to questions like, What is my life’s true purpose? … Should I take this job? … Is this person “the one”? …and more
  • Learn how effective cellular communication may even overcome congenital health problems and other seemingly unchangeable conditions
  • See why perceived limitations such as time and space are really mere illusions, and hear amazing true stories of people who have transcended them
  • This is a powerful guided visualization for self-esteem and achieving goals
Includes 8 audio CD’s and workbook | Duration: 8 hours and 43 minutes

Cutting Edge Audio Cassette Program

Cutting Edge (Audio Cassette Program)

This audio program is based upon a series of seminars presented to Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurial groups, Young President’s Organization and professional athletic teams.
Learn how successful people mobilize their most valuable resources – their minds and their imaginations – to create success in all areas of ones life.
Includes 10 audio cassette’s and workbook | Duration: TBA minutes

Deep Trance Identification Audio CD Program

Deep Trance Identification (Audio CD Program)

Based upon the work of Russian psychologist Dr. Victor Raikov, you will be guided into a very deep state of relaxation where it will become much easier to awaken that slumbering giant – your subconscious. Then, by selecting a role model or mentor whose qualities you would like to attain or incorporate, you will be guided into that universal information field where you can access the knowledge that will help you achieve your desired outcome.
Includes 2 audio CD’s | Duration: 82 minutes

EFT – The New Technology for Immediate Healing and Vitality Audio CD Program

EFT – The New Technology for Immediate Healing and Vitality (Audio CD Program)

In this unique new program: EFT – The New Technology for Immediate Healing and Vitality, from one of Nightingale-Conant’s most respected author, Dr. Lee Pulos, you’ll be introduced to this revolutionary new technique for healing and vitality.  This technology is a powerful new discovery that combines two well-established sciences so you can benefit from both at the same time: Mind/Body Medicine and Acupuncture without needles.
EFT, properly done under Lee’s guidance, frequently reduces the therapeutic process from months or years down to hours or even minutes.  EFT can be applied to both physical and emotional issues and to other life issues as well.  Since emotional stress is now one of the leading contributors to pain, disease, and physical ailments, EFT can provide astonishing relief.
In EFT you will learn:
  • How to try EFT for yourself on your own health issues. Lee will take you from Beginner’s level all the way to Mastery.
  • You’ll be inspired by the success stories of others who have used EFT. You’ll discover that EFT is as close to a Universal Healing Aid as anything applied.
  • EFT can be applied to just about everything, beyond emotional and physical issues. You’ll use the same basic procedure for a fear of public speaking as you will for improving your golf score.
You’ll also be given powerful guided visualizations that Lee uses every day in his practice to assist his clients in living a fantastic, fear-free life, a life filled with health and vitality.
Includes 6 CD’s, EFT DVD and workbook | Duration: 5 hours and 58 minutes

Master Self Hypnosis Audio CD Program

Master Self Hypnosis (Audio CD Program)

This program contains two learning methods. The self hypnosis CD is aimed directly at your self-conscious mind, and is completely audible. The subliminal reinforcement cd is aimed at your subconscious mind, and as you enjoy relaxing music or environmental sounds, the positive affirmation statements are being absorbed. This is the most effective personal motivation and self improvement tool available.
Includes 2 audio CD’s | Duration: 110 minutes
Note: also available in MP3 format | View MP3’s

Mentally Fit Forever Audio CD Program

Mentally Fit Forever (Audio CD Program)

Discover how to recognize failing or fading cognitive skills and how to enrich and amplify your natural brain power.
In Mentally Fit Forever, you’ll discover the secrets that will allow you to:
  • Eliminate fears about getting older and discover your true potential
  • Use whole-brain thinking to prolong mental fitness
  • Using supplements to tame stress-induced free radicals from causing tissue damage
  • Enhance your thinking skills with mental strengthening exercises
  • Discover a new generation of powerful anti-oxidants, body de-toxifiers, and certain hormones that enhance brain function
  • Improve your mind and body to attain peak performance
  • Achieve and maintain emotional balance and stress-free living
  • Maximize your power to learn and retain new information
  • Sharpen your memory with proven techniques
  • Master the characteristics of mentally flexible people
  • And much more!
Includes 7 audio CD’s and workbook | Duration: TBA minutes

Power Of Visualization Audio CD Program

Power Of Visualization (Audio CD Program)

Visualization has helped millions of people achieve goals and it can be the most powerful tool for achievement you have ever used. Whether it is for decision making, problem solving, heightening creativity or controlling a specific behavior, The Power of Visualization can transform your life. Let Dr. Lee Pulos teach you that, truly, seeing is achieving.
This has been an all-time Best Seller with Nightingale Conant.
Listen as you are instructed you how to:
  • Utilize the six types of visualization
  • Discover the power of “image streaming”
  • Boost your energy
  • Increase your capacity for self-healing
  • Raise your self-esteem
  • Create a spiral of success in your life
Includes 7 audio CD’s and workbook | Duration: TBA minutes


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) DVD


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is one of the most powerful and effective therapeutic tools in the world for creating remarkable and impressive personal change and growth. It can be utilized for a broad spectrum of personal issues and is one of several approaches of Energy Psychology.
Duration: 81 minutes

DVD Reviews:

“Eminent psychologist Dr. Lee Pulos, is a pioneer in the emerging field of energy medicine. His extraordinary instructional DVD, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is an information packed presentation on how consciousness affects biology and behavior. Dr. Pulos provides simple, step-by-step instructions on how to use one of the most powerful tools of personal growth to regain sovereignty over your health and your life.”
Dr. Bruce Lipton, Author, The Biology Of Belief.
“Dr. Lee Pulos has been at the forefront of psychological treatment and Energy Psychology (EP) for as long as I have known him. In this DVD, he takes an EP technique to a new level of sophistication yet simplicity, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) makes it readily accessible to everyone who wants to improve their lives, their relationships and their health. You owe it to yourself to own this impressive EFT DVD. I highly recommend it!”
Dr. Fred Gallo, Author of Energy Psycholoy and Energy Tapping For Trauma.
“EFT is a remarkably simple and accessible way to manage difficult emotions and to mobilize them to help you become more effective in your daily life. In this DVD, Dr. Pulos shows you how to use EFT to reduce fear and anxiety and how to change beliefs that don’t serve you.”
Dr. David Feinstein, Co-author, The Promise of Energy Psychology.
“Dr.Pulos has created a friendly, accessible and informative introduction to Energy Psychology in general and EFT in specific. I highly recommend it for consumers and helping professionals wanting to learn Energy Psychology basics. I would love to see this DVD shown in helping professionals waiting rooms all over the English speaking world.”
David Gruder, Ph.D., Founding President of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology and Executive Director of Willingness Works (www.willingness.com).

Achieve Your Goals MP3 Download

Achieve Your Goals

MP3: Hypnosis
The future creates the present – not the past. Following a relaxing hypnotic induction, you will be guided on how to create and breathe life into the most optimal future you are choosing to step into at this time of your life.
Track 1: Direct Induction 26:36
Track 2: Double Induction 20:28
Duration: 47 minutes
Arthritis MP3 Download


MP3: Subliminal
This program was developed with hypnotic suggestions and imagery by a rheumatologist. A powerful procedure to compliment other treatments for this condition.
Track 1: Music with Subliminal Messages 28:37
Track 2: Ocean Sounds with Subliminal Learning
Duration: 55 minutes
Attain Wealth And Prosperity MP3 Download

Attain Wealth And Prosperity

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
Have limited beliefs interfered with monetary success and prosperity? This program will re-educate your subconscious with empowering beliefs for optimum financial wealth and affluence.
Track 1: Direct Induction 28:47
Track 2: Double Induction 28:21
Duration: 57 minutes
Be More Positive MP3 Download

Be More Positive

MP3: Hypnosis
With negative self-talk we are drugging our minds throughout the day with “bad hypnosis”! In a deeper level of awareness, you will be guided with imagery and suggestions for your inner strong self to become the partner and ally for your outer mind for desired outcomes in your life.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:39
Track 2: Double Induction 29:24
Duration: 59 minutes
Build Confidence And Self-Esteem MP3 Download

Build Confidence And Self-Esteem

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
Self-esteem is the immune system of the mind. Following a deepening hypnotic procedure, suggestions will be offered to re-educate and re-program the subconscious with positive and empowering beliefs so that you can move into a higher, more rewarding octave of consciousness.
Track 1: Direct Induction 26:40
Track 2: Double Induction 19:40
Duration: 45 minutes
Concentration And Studying MP3 Download

Concentration And Studying

MP3: Hypnosis & Subliminal
This program has been utilized by thousands of students to enhance focus and sustain concentration for learning new material. As concentration improves, memory is enhanced.
Track 1: Direct Induction 30:41
Track 2: Subliminal Learning 27:41
Duration: 58 minutes
Dealing With Failure MP3 Download

Dealing With Failure

MP3: Hypnosis
Failure of any kind can involve a loss of confidence and a questioning of one’s abilities. Appropriate suggestions and belief statements will reinforce not only your self-efficacy and sense of worthiness.
Track 1: Direct Induction 30:00
Track 2: Double Induction 30:07
Duration: 59 minutes
Dental Anxiety MP3 Download

Dental Anxiety

MP3: Hypnosis
This common phobia can be mastered with the hypnotic suggestions provided on the CD. It can be listened to while undergoing any dental procedures.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:27
Track 2: Double Induction 27:15
Duration: 58 minutes
Developing A Winning Attitude MP3 Download

Developing A Winning Attitude

MP3: Hypnosis
The hypnotic suggestions in this CD were developed following Dr. Pulos’ individual work and seminars with successful executives and world class athletes.
Track 1: Direct Induction 27:55
Track 2: Double Induction 18:40
Duration: 58 minutes
Developing Intuition MP3 Download

Developing Intuition

MP3: Hypnosis
Intuition is one of the seven different kinds of intelligence. You will be guided with imagery and suggestions how to expand your awareness and go beyond logic for problem solving.
Track 1: Direct Induction 32:01
Track 2: Double Induction 31:21
Duration: 63 minutes
Effective Speaking MP3 Download

Effective Speaking

MP3: Self-Talk
This self-talk program provides suggestions for building confidence and helping overcome the one of the most common fears – speaking in front of groups.
Track 1: Guided Relaxation 29:15
Track 2: Positive Affirmations 29:29
Duration: 58 minutes
Enjoy Exercise MP3 Download

Enjoy Exercise

MP3: Hypnosis & Subliminal
Lacking motivation? Do you need that extra nudge to jump start your exercise and wellness routine? This program will provide you with the suggestions to continue and enjoy your exercise routine.
Track 1: Self Hypnosis 30:00
Track 2: Music with Subliminal Messages 30:07
Duration: 55 minutes
Fear Of Flying MP3 Download

Fear Of Flying

MP3: Hypnosis
Many of Dr. Pulos’ clients have used this hypnosis CD to both overcome their fear of flying and to listen to it for its calming effect while flying.
Track 1: Direct Induction 30:43
Track 2: Double Induction 30:35
Duration: 61 minutes
Healing Imagery For Cancer MP3 Download

Healing Imagery For Cancer

MP3: Hypnosis & Guided Visualization
How much of healing is mental? This powerful hypnosis program will help you develop mental images supported by belief statements to bolster your immune system and replace negative energies in the body with healing energy.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:30
Track 2: Guided Visualization 29:24
Duration: 58 minutes
Hypertension And High Blood Pressure MP3 Download

Hypertension And High Blood Pressure

MP3: Hypnosis & Guided Visualization
A prominent cardiologist provided the hypnotic suggestions and imagery for this health and wellness CD. Many of Dr. Pulos’ clients listen to this program just before drifting off to sleep as there are also suggestions for healing dreams.
Track 1: Direct Induction 32:01
Track 2: Double Induction 31:21
Duration: 58 minutes
Improve Your Memory MP3 Download

Improve Your Memory

MP3: Hypnosis
With the enormous pressures and stresses of today’s society, anxiety is creating what some people refer to as “Swiss Cheese Memory”. Powerful suggestions for reducing stress and sustaining focus and retention are reinforced throughout this hypnosis program.
Track 1: Direct Induction 30:00
Track 2: Double Induction 30:07
Duration: 60 minutes
Increase Sexual Energy MP3 Download

Increase Sexual Energy

MP3: Self-Talk
Are you too tired or losing interest in maintaining intimacy with your partner? Is it too late to rekindle the fire and passion? A series of powerful suggestions and belief statements will be provided to ignite the desire and help you rediscover positive feelings and re-awaken sexual energy and desire for affection, intimacy and sexual arousal.
Track 1: Guided Relaxation 29:33
Track 2: Positive Affirmations 29:25
Duration: 58 minutes
Magical Garden MP3 Download

Magical Garden

MP3: Guided Visualization
In this guided dream-like visualization you will be awakening each sense to evoke both relaxation and healing in the parts of your life and body that need it the most.
Track 1: Guided Visualization 27:45
Track 2: Guided Visualization 27:48
Duration: 55 minutes
Master Self Hypnosis MP3 Download

Master Self Hypnosis

MP3: Hypnosis & Subliminal
This program contains two learning methods. The self-hypnosis track is aimed at your conscious mind, and is completely audible. The subliminal reinforcement track is aimed at your subconscious. As you enjoy relaxing music or environmental sounds, the positive affirmative statements are being absorbed. This is the most effective personal motivation and self-hypnosis improvement tool available.
Two File Set
Track 1: Direct Induction 28:34
Track 2: Double Induction 26:22
Track 3: Subliminal Messages 28:40
Track 4: Subliminal Messages & Ocean Sounds 27:36
Duration: 110 minutes
Note: Also available in CD format
Motivation For Runners MP3 Download

Motivation For Runners

MP3: Hypnosis
Don’t feel like running or training today? Not only are there inspirational hypnotic suggestions for maintaining the incentive and purpose of running but, also the joy of getting in the flow.
Track 1: Self Hypnosis 29:43
Track 2: Music with Subliminal Messages 29:56
Duration: 56 minutes
Overcoming Addictions MP3 Download

Overcoming Addictions

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
Regardless of the addiction, the suggestions on two different hypnotic programs deal with the triggers, urges and difficulties in releasing and overcoming the roots of habits that are not serving your health and well-being.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:32
Track 2: Double Induction 22:01
Duration: 52 minutes
Overcoming Depression MP3 Download

Overcoming Depression

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
Depression is the most common mental health symptom in the world.  This CD offers two different hypnotic approaches for overcoming many of its symptoms.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:17
Track 2: Double Induction 25:12
Duration: 54 minutes
Overcoming Fears MP3 Download

Overcoming Fears

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
This program offers two powerful hypnosis procedures for diluting and metabolizing away the images and thoughts creating a fear response regardless of the source.
Track 1: Direct Induction 31:00
Track 2: Double Induction 21:45
Duration: 53 minutes
Overcoming Rejection MP3 Download

Overcoming Rejection

MP3: Hypnosis
Nothing is more hurtful or deflating than rejection by a friend or partner. Both tracks of this program will provide helpful and healing suggestions for regaining confidence and healing.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:25
Track 2: Double Induction 30:45
Duration: 60 minutes
Pain Management MP3 Download

Pain Management

MP3: Hypnosis
Based upon Dr. Pulos’ extensive experience in utilizing hypnosis for reducing pain and discomfort, this CD program will incorporate imagery and suggestions for gaining greater control of mind over body. In addition, you will be guided to utilize imagery and belief statements to become less aware of discomfort and to reduce stress and muscle spasms where indicated.
Track 1: Direct Induction 27:44
Track 2: Double Induction 27:42
Duration: 55 minutes
Preparation for Surgery MP3 Download

Preparation for Surgery

MP3: Hypnosis
The suggestions and content for this hypnotic CD were provided by a surgeon with over 30 years of experience. Suggestions for dealing with pre-surgery anxiety and the acceleration of post-surgery recovery and healing are reinforced throughout this program.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:25
Track 2: Double Induction 25:15
Duration: 54 minutes
Reduce Stress MP3 Download

Reduce Stress

MP3: Hypnosis
Stress and anxiety are the afflictions of our times which can create health problems and can cause static in our minds and memory. This powerful hypnotic program will move you into a profound state of relaxation helping the body/mind rediscover what it already knows but has forgotten its natural state of beingness.
Track 1: Direct Induction 28:47
Track 2: Double Induction 28:21
Duration: 47 minutes
Self Healing And Maintenance MP3 Download

Self Healing And Maintenance

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
You will be guided into a deep hypnotic state where your greatest gifts, your mind and your imagination will be activated for creating healing imagery and a healthy outcome for your health issue. Supportive belief statements and affirmations will be provided along for suggestions to experience at least one healing dream every night.
Track 1: Direct Induction 29:47
Track 2: Double Induction 30:14
Duration: 60 minutes
Sleep And Dream Enhancement MP3 Download

Sleep And Dream Enhancement

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
Troubling thoughts? Too much anxiety as you are trying to sleep? You will be guided into a deep rejuvenating sleep with suggestions for healing dreams and awakening refreshed and energized in the morning.
Track 1: Direct Induction 30:42
Track 2: Guided Visualization 30:46
Duration: 61 minutes
Sports Training MP3 Download

Sports Training

MP3: Hypnosis
Dr. Pulos has worked with dozens of world-class athletes in different sports. They have provided him with the best suggestions and imagery which he shares on this powerful sports training CD.
Track 1: Direct Induction 31:20
Track 2: Double Induction 30:28
Duration: 61 minutes
Stop Procrastination MP3 Download

Stop Procrastination

MP3: Hypnosis
Too many projects going on? Not following through and completing tasks? In a deeply relaxed state, this program will provide the motivation and hypnotic suggestions to stay focused and organized for all short-term and long-term goals.
Track 1: Direct Induction 30:24
Track 2: Double Induction 30:33
Duration: 60 minutes
Stop Smoking MP3 Download

Stop Smoking

MP3: Hypnosis
Hypnosis is the treatment of choice in overcoming this addiction. Post-hypnotic suggestions will be provided to increase desire, confidence and determination to stop this habit and maintain yourself as a healthy non-smoker.
Track 1: Guided Visualization 29:36
Track 2: Double Induction 19:15
Duration: 48 minutes
Successful Selling MP3 Download

Successful Selling

MP3: Self-Talk
Many sales persons will run into their personal “wall” of resistance in terms of sustaining motivation to follow through with clients. This self-talk CD program provides several alternatives for overcoming resistance hurdles.
Track 1: Guided Relaxation 29:17
Track 2: Positive Affirmations 30:29
Duration: 59 minutes
Total Health MP3 Download

Total Health

MP3: Hypnosis
Because of the popularity of the Self-Healing and Health Maintenance CD, Total Health provides different perspectives in creating the best healing imagery supported by powerful and positive belief affirmations to create and support optimal health.
Track 1: Direct Induction 30:50
Track 2: Double Induction 30:45
Duration: 62 minutes
Weight Loss MP3 Download

Weight Loss

MP3: Hypnosis
* Also available on iTunes
Diets generally don’t work. By being guided into a deeper, more relaxed hypnotic state – suggestions for creating and maintaining a healthy body image along with affirmations for reinforcing self-esteem are the essence of this program for change.
Track 1: Direct Induction 27:17
Track 2: Double Induction 20:13
Duration: 47 minutes

1 comment:

  1. "15 Minutes a Day to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams."
    Auto-pilot. No boring or long ebooks to read. What else to ask for? :)

    Personal Development / Self-Help (audio) program that is designed to automatically reprogram a person's subconscious mind, to dissolve their limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset, and allow them to manifest the life of their dreams.

    Follow the link for you’re free presentation. How to Activate Subconscious Mind

