Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to hypnotize someone

How to hypnotize someone

 What Is The Conscious Mind?

The conscious part of our mind is the part of you that’s logical. It’s where your willpower is; and it knows what’s right and what’s wrong. It knows what you should do and what you shouldn’t do.
Again, for a lot of people they know what to do. Maybe they should do certain work or they should eat certain foods or they should say certain things to people to improve their relationship. They know what to do; but the problem is they can’t get themselves to do it regularly. They can’t get themselves to do it automatically.
And that’s where hypnosis comes into effect because, usually, those behaviors are rooted in the subconscious mind (you will learn this more in depth in the Hypnosis guide).

What Is The Subconscious Mind?

90% of our daily actions is run by our subconscious mindSo, we have the conscious mind which is logical and it’s where your willpower is; and then, we have the subconscious mind, the unconscious part of you which is literally running the show. The subconscious mind not only takes care of your breathing, your heartbeat, and the temperature of your body but it stores all of your learned behaviors.
Now, think about how many behaviors you have learned in your life that you no longer need to think about that you can just do. So, when you think about behaviors like reading, writing, walking, riding a bike, and brushing your teeth, these are behaviors that you didn’t know how to do; you learned; and now you just do them automatically. And the interesting thing is that if you try and describe how you do these things, you don’t really know. Think about that. When you’re talking, where does the next word come from? If I asked you, “How are you walking across the room?”
The problem people make a lot of times is when they change, they fight against their subconscious mind. They never change their deeper perceptions and their deeper assumptions. They just try and say, “All right, I’m not going to do that anymore; I’m going to fight against that; I’m not going to eat those foods; I’m going to wake up early from now on.” We all know how that goes…
And until you learn a new way to influence your unconscious mind, it’s very challenging to change it up. You’re going to find this out if you tried brushing your teeth with the other hand, right? You, logically, know how to do it but it doesn’t feel right; it doesn’t feel natural; it’s kind of a struggle. And unless you really focus on it, you’ll just find yourself going back to the other way that’s natural.

Rule 1

1. The unconscious mind does not understand negatives. This is so important because, most of the time, when people talk about what they want, they describe it in terms of what they don’t want.
So, they’ll say, “I need to stop eating so much food; I need to stop waking up so late; I need to stop driving so fast,” and so, all of these terms are referencing exactly what you don’t want to do.
In smoking, for example, someone says, “Okay, I’m not going smoke any cigarettes today, I’m not going to smoke any cigarettes in the car on the way to work today.” And, literally, you’re referencing and thinking about the exact behavior that you don’t want to do.
So the way around that, the very first thing is begin to speak the way that you want to act. So, for example, if you’re smoking in the car and you want to stop that, you could start by saying something of a positive sense which is like, “I would like to just listen to the radio and chew on a toothpick on the way to work today.”
Does it makes sense? It’s the solution side of it.

Rule 2

 2. The second rule is that the unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between vivid imagination and reality. This is why learning how to hypnotise someone fast guide works.
So, when it comes to weight loss, for example, if someone goes on a diet and says, “Okay, I’m going to lose weight—no more ice cream. I’m not going to eat any more ice cream sundaes,” and as they say that to themselves they start thinking about sundaes in their mind; and they might think about their favorite sundae; and they might think about how good it tastes, that first couple of bites; and they start salivating; and they’ve now put themselves literally into a physiological state of craving that exact food that they’re trying to avoid.
I hope this impresses upon you, the sabotaging nature of how a lot of people go about change. They talk exactly about what they don’t want to do, and they talk about it obsessively, and their mind focuses exactly on that thing, and it makes the change feel like torture.
So, those are the two rules we need to understand: The unconscious mind does not understand negatives so we need to start talking about what we do want, and the unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between vivid imagination and reality and that point is so key. That’s why hypnotic inductions and suggestions work in learning how to hypnotise someone because the person being told those things is experiencing them and feeling them viscerally. That’s the difference.

Learning How To Hypnotize Someone

Learning how to hypnotize people can have its advantages all depending on how you use it. A lot of advertisers and salesmen uses hypnosis since its helps them in their everyday work. As much as it can help them be much more effective on sales, it can also help you in your personal life.

Whether its using hypnosis to convince your boss for a raise, getting a group of people to do as you say or even up to making someone lose his mind and fall into a complete state of confusion (I don't recommend doing this one though), there is quite a lot of things you can do if you learn how to hypnotize someone.

Learning how to hypnotize someone may be easier than you think. The processes involved are quite simple, and straightforward.

Hypnosis, in its simplest form, quite simply involves bringing someone into a heavily relaxed state, known as a trance, and then making suggestions to the person's subconscious. These suggestions can be practically anything imaginable.

They can be suggestions which will help the person, such as suggesting to the person that they will feel more confident, less anxious, or that they will overcome their fears, or we could make suggestions that would help us instead. For instance, we could suggest to the person that they would find us incredibly attractive.

The most important thing to understand when you learn how to hypnotize someone is that you can never make suggestions that go against a person's fundamental morals or beliefs. The notion of 'mind control' is quite a false one in hypnosis, as we can never 'control' a person's mind directly, we can rather only influence it indirectly.

This doesn't mean that we can't pull off remarkable feats with those whom we hypnotize. Indeed we can indirectly influence a person to such a great extent, that we may as well be controlling their minds, however it is important to note that this is as a result of mastering hypnosis to a great level, and not as a result of 'mind control'.

If you want to know learn the art of covert hypnosis, you'd be surprised to know how simple it is. In fact, each and every day we are hypnotized by other people, and we hypnotize people ourselves, all outside of our conscious awareness. If you've ever been involved in a conversation with someone on a really in-depth level, then you were hypnotized by that person. You weren't aware of your surroundings. For those few moments you were speaking with the person, the only thing you were consciously aware of was that conversation.

When we ask someone to lay down in a chair and have them imagine a certain scenic, relaxing place, we're simply repeating this technique. We're diverting the person's attention away from all their conscious surroundings, and having them focus on one particular image.

You may have heard of the popular image of a hypnotist swaying their watch in order to hypnotize someone. Whilst this isn't really used in modern hypnosis, it is a form of eye fixation whereby a person concentrates their attention on one object (the watch) and forgets everything else, thus entering into a state of trance and being hypnotized.

So if you want to learn how to hypnotize someone, then all you have to do is have the person focus on something. Be it an object, a dream, an image, almost anything you can think of, provided that it has a relaxing effect on the person. From there, you can make direct suggestions to the person's subconscious.

There are of course finer points to learn when it comes to learning how to hypnotize someone, however these basic principles remain the same.

How can you hypnotize people? Is it difficult to hypnotize someone? Not absolutely. Below, I will show you the simple steps of how you can hypnotize anyone today.
You should also know that, you don’t need to have special powers to hypnotize people. You can hypnotize anyone if you learn hypnosis techniques and apply them properly.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

You can hypnotize others in 2 ways. In first type, you hypnotize people with their permission. In this type, you hypnotize people using hypnotic voice and techniques. So you put a person into a trance state and make your commands.
The hypnotic state can be terminated by the person anytime he (she) wants. It is completely up to him (her) to enter a trance state or leave it.
This type of hypnosis is safe and commonly used in hypnotherapy to heal others (for example, pain control, stress reduction and so on).
The second type of hypnosis is covert hypnosis. In covert hypnosis, you hypnotize others without them knowing. A person does NOT know that you are hypnotizing him (her).
The goal of covert hypnosis is to make your subject to do anything you want without any resistance. A person is unaware of being hypnotized which helps you to achieve your goals quickly. When a person is under hypnosis, you can make your hypnotic suggestions and commands.
It is a sad fact that most people use covert hypnosis for dishonest purposes trying to get advantages from their subjects. We do not recommend using hypnosis for such purposes.
Note: Most experts don’t accept covert hypnosis as one of types of hypnosis. They claim that hypnosis can be done only with the permission and awareness of the subject.

How To Hypnotize Someone NOW

It is time to start your first hypnosis practice. This technique is called handshake induction which is a type of instant hypnosis.
Now, follow the step by step process below:
1- Have the person sit in front of you – face on face. You should sit yourself, too. Have the person put their hand on top yours – palm to palm.
2- Tell him (her): “Look at my eyes and continue looking until I say something”.
3- Tell him (her): “In a moment I am going to count to 3. Press down on my hand and I’ll be pressing up against your energy and simply follow my instructions instantly.”
4- Say “1…2…3….push, push, push”. If he (she) is pushing gently, tell him (her) to push harder.
5. Now with your other hand, put it on top of his eyes, like you are shading them, and slowly caressing down.
6. Then say: “now as you continue to press down on my hand I want you to develop a feeling in your eyes like your up much too late at night watching an old black and white movie, you should go to bed but you’re just so tired. You feel your eyes so droopy …and closing….and drowsy….and….SLEEP !”
The moment you begin to say “sleep” you have to quickly slip your hand away from his (her). This is very important moment and must be done accurately.
Practice this technique on your friends, family members and you will see the results. This is a step by step technique, so everyone who follows it properly can hypnotize people easily.

How to hypnotize someone with the Power of Conversational Hypnosis

Do you want to learn the secrets to hynotizing someone without their knowledge?
Do you want to have power over those around you and make then do what you want?
Then you must try The Power of Conversational Hypnosis
The Power of Conversational Hypnosis is a special system that while show you how to subtly hypnotize somebody, through a normal conversations. It works fast and the person won’t even know that you’re doing it!
So if you want to learn how to hypnotize somebody, then you must get the Power of Conversational Hypnosis by clicking this link: >> Click here to start hypnotizing people <<
The Power of Conversational Hypnosis is the best way for anybody to discover how to hypnotize somebody!
Learn How to Hypnotize Someone
Hypnosis comes about when you help a person enter an altered state of consciousness. As you work with her, helping her enter a hypnotic state, she becomes deeply relaxed – she may be unusually responsive to an image you give or to an idea you state, but you can’t control her free will or her mind.
Instead, hypnosis can teach her how to master her state of awareness, psychological responses and affect her own bodily functions, especially if she suffers from physical or psychological conditions. As you learn how to hypnotize someone, remember to use this as a way of helping her.
What Hypnosis Is
When something happens to someone, she remembers that event. Her subconscious remembers the behavior connected to the event. A trained hypnotherapist teaches her to remember the event and what led to her initial reaction. He then helps her to separate the memory from her learned behavior.
As she continues working with the hypnotherapist, she begins replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy behaviors. While she is in a state of hypnosis, her body becomes relaxed and her thoughts become highly focused.
Her blood pressure and heart rate go down. Mentally, she is awake, but responsive to your suggestions. As you learn how to hypnotize someone, remember you are working to help her improve some area of her life where she is in pain or feels a loss of control because of illness.
Hypnosis develops in several stages, including:
ø reframing the problem;
ø relaxing and becoming deeply absorbed in your words;
ø dissociating or letting go of negative thoughts;
ø responding to your suggestions;
ø coming back to the usual state of awareness;
ø thinking back on the experience
Certain conditions may improve under hypnosis. These include:
ø alopecia areata
ø asthma
ø bedwetting
ø cancer
ø eating disorders
ø fibromyalgia
ø indigestion
ø insomnia
ø irritable bowel syndrome
ø labor and delivery
ø phobias
ø skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema or acne
ø stress
ø tension headaches
ø tinnitus
ø warts
ø weight loss
Risks With Hypnosis
Before you begin working with someone to hypnotize her, she needs to bring a diagnosis from her doctor. If you try to hypnotize someone without knowing what her conditions are, you could make her worse.
Using Hypnosis
An easy way of hypnotizing someone is the progressive relaxation technique.
Step 1
Ask the person to sit or lie down in a position she finds comfortable. As you talk to her, use a soothing voice and speak slowly, but don’t use a monotone.
Step 2
Instruct her to “take a deep breath and let it out. Close your eyes and begin feeling yourself relax.”
Step 3
Bring her bodily awareness on different areas of her body and help her begin relaxing these areas. Use relaxing phrases such as “Become aware of your arms . . . relax your arms and let them grow more and more comfortable. Now, let the muscles become limp and loose and even more relaxed.” Use this instruction with all areas of her body, such as her hands, fingers, neck, back, legs, abdomen, feet and toes. As you lead her in relaxing, don’t forget to give her positive affirmations like, “You’re doing great, very good.” You may need to repeat this part of the hypnosis process for about 10 to 15 minutes.
Step 4
Help her to work on the issue that brought her to you. If she experiences chronic pain, teach her techniques to help dial the level of pain down or how to regain her sense of control over a chronic illness. Make suggestions to her while she is hypnotized that she can use when she is fully aware and experiencing pain or loss of control. As you introduce the hypnotic suggestion, remember to encourage her with positive affirmations: “You’re doing a great job, continue gaining control over your pain/self-control.”
Step 5
Bring the person out of her hypnotic state by saying, “I’m about to count to five. When I reach five, your eyes will open and you will feel refreshed and relaxed.” Slowly count to five. As you count, your voice should become less soothing and more awake. As you reach number four, if her eyes have not opened, say, “On number five, your eyes will open. You will feel refreshed and relaxed. Five, open your eyes. You feel refreshed and relaxed.”
A hypnotherapy session usually lasts for one hour. Children may respond to hypnosis after one or two visits, as opposed to adults.

What Is Covert Hypnosis Exactly?

Conversational Hypnosis is the art of secretly hypnotizing other people. With a high level of expertise you can basically get people to do what you want (nothing illegal or wildly against their nature) or induce them to agree with whatever you say regardless of their original opinion, mood, or inclination.

You may be familiar with the hypnosis you see on TV or at stage shows. You know the kind, the kind where a hypnotist is able to have people sit in a chair and then supposedly turn them into chickens, and things like that.

You may often ask yourself "Is that real, or is the hypnotist just using actors?". The answer is of course, that yes, it is very real, however you may be surprised to know that there is a much more advanced form of hypnosis than that, a kind of hypnosis that can be used in your day to day life on people without them being aware of it. And this field is known as "covert hypnosis".

It makes sense, if a hypnotist can hypnotize people at a stage show, then surely he'd be able to do it off the stage as well, when people aren't aware of it? The answer is of course that yes, a trained hypnotist can do just that. You see, entertainment hypnosis is the only form of hypnosis that you're exposed to. Covert hypnosis, because its discreet, is a type of hypnosis you will never heard about, nor will you see it on TV. Covert hypnosis is of course, by its very nature... covert.

It's the type of hypnosis that politicians, faith healers, mentalists, illusionists, even psychics use in order to hypnotize many people into doing things, or thinking certain things. Covert hypnosis is used by professionals each and every day to make people fall in love, to bring them into false belief systems, to make them part with their money, and many other powerful things.

The powers of covert hypnosis are practically endless, and once this field is mastered, many things become possible. But how does it work exactly? Covert hypnosis works by influencing a person's subconscious outside of the person's conscious awareness. Whenever we're consciously aware of a suggestion, we cannot be hypnotized by it. This is because our consciousness contains a critical part to it, which constantly analyzes everything that passes through it.

If our conscious were to come across any information, or suggestion that it didn't agree with, then it would immediately reject it. For example, if I told you right now "you will raise your right hand", you most likely wouldn't, since I'm giving your consciousness an instruction. If however I plant subtle suggestions within your mind, and then trigger these suggestions subconsciously, without you being consciously aware of it, then it becomes quite possible for me to make you raise your right hand.

As you can see, by its very nature, conversational hypnosis isn't obvious. The only real way to tell if someone is using covert hypnosis on you is to learn the field yourself.

How Easy Is It To Learn Covert Hypnosis?

So, you want to learn covert hypnosis? No doubt you're thinking that the process must take years of practice and study, and that it is incredibly difficult. You'd be pleased to know then, that the exact opposite is true.

Trying to learn covert hypnosis may seem to be initially difficult, but at the same time is actually elegantly simple. Learning all the theory behind how and why covert hypnosis works is the overwhelming part, and you may think to yourself "just how will I ever get the confidence to apply any of this". You will however be surprised to find that once you start practicing it, even if you don't do things perfectly, people will enter into a trance and be suggestible to you quite easily.

You see hypnosis doesn't have to perfect. We all have different personalities, we all speak differently with different vocabularies and tonalities. If you had to learn covert hypnosis perfectly then only a few people in the world would be able to do it, which of course is not the case at all. Many thousands of people around the world use covert hypnosis each and every day of their lives, and many of these people come from different cultural backgrounds, languages, and other upbringings.

Therefore the important thing to understand on your journey to learn covert hypnosis is that it's not how well you do it, but how much confidence you have when you do it.

If you have a shaky voice, then a person is not going to be likely to subconsciously vest any form of authority in you. If however you have a firm, assertive, yet at the same time calm and relaxing tonality, then people are going to be naturally suggestible to you, even if you don't apply any other techniques that you would learn in covert hypnosis.

Planting anchors within people, utilizing concepts of NLP, and other such techniques can all be helpful in your study of covert hypnosis, however they're by no means required in order to be a successful covert hypnotist. Many people are naturally able to hypnotize others, and what's most amazing of all, is that these 'natural hypnotists' aren't even aware they're hypnotizing anyone! Some people will just have a natural hypnotic tonality.

So if these people, who haven't spent any time in trying to learn covert hypnosis, can pull off these amazing feats, then you should be able to pull off much more with your knowledge. Of course knowing where to start can be difficult, and if you want to learn covert hypnosis then it's important to find a good course to learn from.
Preview of the Covert Hypnosis Home Study Program 

This series will teach you:

  • How conversational hypnosis enables you to get others to do exactly what you wish!
  • How to instantly create a deep connection with other people so you can almost “read” their minds!
  • How to change anyone’s state of mind on the spot and lead them into a mesmerizing hypnotic trance!
  • The key to changing someone’s behavior and getting them to act as you wish!
  • How to become so irresistible others willingly let you direct their reality and willingly do as you say!
  • How to build the ultimate self confidence, and unstoppable motivation that allows you to take action on those goals that you have been putting off
  • how to build rapport with people instantly, and win new friends through learning how to hypnotise someone fast
  • How to change your unproductive habits such as over-eating and permanently lose the extra weight
  • how to spice up your romantic life by getting more attractive dates
If any of the above topics interest you, you need to sign up to get the private training that will teach you most powerful methods to finally create the life that you deserve. Hypnosis is one of the most powerful skills out there allowing you to control people’s minds and actions.

If you are starting to learn how to hypnotise someone, you can focus on matching someone’s non-verbal communication to build rapport since it is the most powerful element.
Let’s study some of a person’s body language that we can mirror. There are very many subtle ways that we can match and mirror if only we pay close attention. Here are some suggestions:
Three ways to hypnotize someone using Matching and Mirroring
Posture: how are they standing? are they slouched or standing erect? are their arms crossed, relaxed, or on their hips? are they sitting straight or crossed legged? are they taking shallow breaths or deep breaths?
Gesture: do they make certain hand gestures when speaking? do they nod their head or move it from side to side? how much and how quickly do they move their hands when talking?
Facial Expressions: are they smiling, frowning, or have a neutral expression when speaking? do they squint when they ask a question? do they raise their eyebrows when making a point?
By applying this powerful technique, you will have an incredible advantage in building rapport with people very quickly, and hence be able to influence them on making important decisions, creating instant attraction, or just building stronger relationships.
The Fastest Way To Learn How To Be A Master of Hypnosis
If you want to learn more about some of the world’s most powerful techniques on how to hypnotise someone, and influence people I suggest that you check out the exclusive private training program created by Igor Ledochowski, Master Hypnotist. He has learned from some of the top experts in the realm of personal change. He is a certified Master Hypnotist, and a Master NLP Practitioner. Igor has taught thousands of people how to hypnotise someone quickly. Moreover, he has been personally trained by the creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Richard Bandler.
You can watch a quick clip of Anthony Jacquin, who is Igor’s partner hypnotizing a bartender to give him (absolutely FREE) a whole round of drinks here:

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